On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 08:52:00AM +0000, Patrick Schleizer wrote:
> One thing to consider: A few onions are tor+https but most are tor+http. But
> I guess that's not an issue because http vs https is declared in the
> repository configuration files.

Yeah, we'll just prepend 'tor+' if that was asked, and leave everything
else as is.

> > I think this would be a nice feature to have, indeed.
> Thank you for your interest in this feature!
> > However, given that I have zero experience with tor, I would need some help 
> > with the design of such a feature.
> Sure thing!

I've given this some more thought, and I think a better design would be this:

--tor=onion: use .onion URLs, fail if no such setting exists for the
  requested repository.
--tor=tunnel: use tor+http(s), ignore .onion URLs.
--tor=auto: use .onion, fall back on tor+http(s).
--tor=if-onion: use .onion if available, fall back on regular URLs.

All these values would be settable using a "tor:" line in
/etc/extrepo/config.yaml, too.

> > In order to make sure that the data is correct and complete, we would need 
> > to be able to validate .onion URLs in the CI jobs, which involves 
> > downloading repository metadata and making sure it looks sensible. Do you 
> > know if it is possible to reach the tor network from a container?
> If you want to test onion availability without use of apt-get? In that case,
> the torsocks package will help. Use of torsocks is very simple. Simply
> prepend it in front of the command you intent to use and the connection will
> be torified. Example usage: torsocks curl oniondomain.onion

I tried this, in the "onion" branch of
https://salsa.debian.org/extrepo-team/extrepo-data, but it failed for
reasons I don't understand. Would you care to take a look?



I will have a Tin-Actinium-Potassium mixture, thanks.

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