>>>>> "John" == John Goerzen <jgoer...@complete.org> writes:

    John> I am attempting to enable curl support in dar.  dar provides a
    John> standard binary and dar_static, which is to be used for
    John> emergency system rescues.

    John> Curl provides a static version (.a).  Unfortunately, curl uses
    John> gssapi_krb5, which is not available in a static version.  The
    John> result is an inability to link a static program.

    John> configure supports --enable-static.  I see in the changelog
    John> that it was enabled in Debian in version 1.4.3-5, though that
    John> was dropped since for an unknown reason.

Upstream --enable-static is more intended for debugging and embedded
systems than for  general usage.
The biggest problem is that upstream loads a number of  plugins
including GSS-API mechanisms and KDC location plugins.  (Preauth plugins
are also loaded, and while they will not affect dar's use case, they
would generally affect the ability of someone to get Kerberos tickets).

Those plugins generally link against the dynamic version of libkrb5-3.
So you could get some really messy situations with different versions of
libkrb5 pulled into the same process space.

I'm not opposed to building static libraries.
I think I'd want to put them in a special package  and to actually
document the implications of using them clearly
and possibly adjust plugin behavior.
I.E. I'm happy to turn on static libraries if we do a good job and think
through the complicated issues.

The last time this got any significant upstream discussion was on the
krb...@mit.edu list

Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 17:57:38 +0200
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