On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 02:52:03PM +0200, Falk Hueffner wrote:

> I don't think depending on gcc 4.1 without really understanding the
> issue is a good idea. There is a good chance that the bug is not
> really fixed, but only hidden by circumstances. So it would really be
> the best way to go to extract a minimal test case, see whether it's
> gcc's or tagcoll's fault, and then make sure it is really fixed.

Yes, but I don't have neither the time nor the motivation to do it.

This is how I see it:

 - The problem only happens on Alpha while it all works fine on other
 - The problem only happens with optimizations turned on, while it all
   works fine with -O0, also on Alpha.
 - It takes at least half an hour to build libtagcoll on escher.
 - I've been working hard on a libtagcoll rewrite, which I'll soon
   upload to experimental.

I would prefer to invest my time in getting the new code into shape,
rewriting the central database and trying to streamline tag submission

If you however would like to investigate, the code is still in the sid
dchroot on escher, in the directory ~enrico.  Let me know if you intend
to work on it, so that I won't delete the compilation efforts on escher.



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