
This license change is so disappointing...

On 18/08/23 at 08:07 -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> > Plan B.
> > 
> > - Drop vagrant because of that changed licence and no need to
> >   keep older vagrant.
> > - No vagrant avaiable in Debian. Just use upstream's package.
> I think keeping a stale version of vagrant in the archive is worse than
> telling people to just use upstream packages.

A follow-up question, especially in the case of Plan B, is: what do we
do about Debian Vagrant images provided on Vagrant Cloud
(https://app.vagrantup.com/debian/) ?

A/ continue to maintain them. But as the main uploader of those images
   in the recent times, I might not continue to maintain them, especially
   if I move to another tool for my own uses, so we might need to look
   for other volunteers.
B/ stop maintaining them
   B.1/ ... and remove existing images from the 'debian' Vagrant Cloud
   B.2/ ... and leave the 'debian' Vagrant Cloud account as it is

I don't think B.2 is a good idea.

> Hopefully, being burned a second time will teach me to not put my
> volunteer time in non-copyleft packages provided by a single
> corporation.

Note that the fact that Vagrant was using a non-copyleft license is not
entirely relevant. The same relicensing could be achieved by
organizations using a copyleft licence with a copyright transfer
agreement for external contributions. (I suspect that this is how it was
achieved for other Hashicorp products, but I haven't checked).


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