Hi again,

As you may have seen, I submitted <https://bugs.debian.org/1050043> and fixed it. Thanks for mentioning it!

On 2023-08-17 15:34, Raphaël Halimi wrote:
IMHO, if Debian wants to follow the upstream fontconfig default to
use the Noto fonts, the system should work without the DejaVu
packages installed, so it would make more sense to patch fontconfig
to use Noto Mono as a default and keep the "Noto look" across the
whole system, than to go back to DejaVu Sans Mono.

As regards "Noto look", and despite of the name "Noto Mono", personally I think that DejaVu Sans Mono aligns better with Noto Sans/Serif than Noto Mono does. Look at the letter 'g', for instance.


* If Debian would change the default monospace font, we would not follow upstream. That's true whether we would pick Noto Mono or DejaVu Sans Mono.

* There were reasons why I broke out DejaVu Sans Mono to its own package. :) Given that change, it's possible to install fonts-dejavu-mono without installing fonts-dejavu-core.

For those reasons I disagree with the quoted statement.

Another question is if the Noto Sans Mono deficiency is important enough to motivate a Debian level change in this respect. I don't know. @Fabian, I sent this reply to you as well in the hope to broaden the discussion a bit.

It's worth mentioning that the fonts-noto packages in Debian ship almost 3 years old fonts. An update to latest upstream would be highly desirable. Possibly Noto Sans Mono has improved.


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