
I am the new maintainer for cron package, since a few months. Please can
one elaborate a little longer about use cases where too long lines are a

Would it be sufficient to truncate such lines to 998 characters, hoping
that such a length would be sufficient to diagnose a problem? It would
be more secure than splitting them and making it possible to overflow
the file system (for example with too big messages, repeated every
minute during one day).

As this bug report is now eight years old, I shall wait for a response
during a few weeks; if nobody replies, I shall close it. But please feel
free to reopen it if you have more information to share about it!

Best regards,                   Georges.

 Tags: +moreinfo

Frank Heckenbach a écrit :
> The limit according to RFC 2822 is 998 characters.
> Current versions of exim4, e.g., enforce this limit.
> So if you do wrapping, you might as well use the correct limit.
> Of course, wrapping slightly alters the content.
> If this is deemed inacceptable, you might need to MIME encode the
> message (QP or base64).

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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