On Wednesday, 30 August 2023 16:35:46 CEST Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> > You can add me as tester for Quartz64 Model A + B, but I don't have a
> > SoQuartz (or a base/carrier board).
> Ok, if we ever get there... but I would not want to enable new boards
> that nobody has ever offered to test.

I can probably get one or more people to test, but I doubt I can get them 
listed as 'official testers'.

> >> > https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/tree/master/board/pine64/quartz6
> >> > 4_rk3566
> >> > 
> >> > Hereby the request to package them for Debian.
> This is going to require quite a bit of work:
> * package "rkbin" in non-free-firmware, if the license permits
> * get appropriate rk35xx builds for TF-A (a.k.a. arm-trusted-firmware)
>   merged upstream, and then uploaded to the debian package (can possibly
>   cheat and instead only use the bl31.elf from rkbin).
> * figure out the complicated dance between packages in "contrib"
>   depending on packages in "non-free-firmware" and not polluting
>   packages built from the same source in "main"

AFAIK, which isn't much in this case, it should be the same/similar to rk3328/
rk3399? They also use a file similar to `rk3568_ddr_1056MHz_v1.18.bin`, but 
then ofc tailored for their platform.
I'll ask the upstream maintainer/reviewer; this bug is probably not the place 
to document my learning experiences ;)

> > In some build instructions for u-boot that I've seen there was a reference
> > to an `bl31.elf` file from https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rkbin but I
> > guess that's what TF-A would provide (too), but then built from source?
> Yes.

Ok, thanks.

> > I also recall seeing references to a `rk3568_ddr_1056MHz_v1.18.bin` file
> > from https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rkbin/tree/master/bin/rk35. AFAIK
> > that's only available as a BLOB? Is that file needed? And is it a problem
> > if that's only available as a BLOB?
> If upstream u-boot requires that to work it is... more complicated.
> Looks like it does probably require it, based on the trustedfirmware
> thread you linked to above.

As mentioned above, AFAIK it's no different from rk3328/rk3399, but I'll ask.

> Someone had briefly explored doing something similar for imx8*
> platforms, and it was a maze of complications... though the imx8* blobs
> turned out to not even be suitible for non-free-firmware, in the end, so
> it stalled out.
> Because of all these complications, I have so far tried to stick to
> platforms which are strictly suitable for debian "main", although
> technically the requirements are a bit looser than they used to
> be... but I have little experience with or enthusiasm for the
> complexities such a setup would bring for the u-boot and
> arm-trusted-firmware packaging in Debian.

Let's for now assume that what I said was inaccurate.
Trying to make it work, assuming it's similar to rk3328, is going to be a 
challenge enough. If it'll require some 'hustling' between main/contrib/non-
free/non-free-firmware, I'll probably bail out.


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