On Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 08:08:01PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Sorry, copied the wrong line. That worked,
> The format that failed to build was hitex AFAIR, that would be
>       /var/lib/texmf/web2c/hitex/hitex.log

No problem



This is HiTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-2.0 (TeX Live 2023) (INITEX)  2 SEP 2023 
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(conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-sv.tex))
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No Kannada hyphenation patterns - only for Unicode engines)
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EC Dutch hyphenation patterns (conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-nl.tex))

EC Swiss-German hyphenation patterns (traditional orthography)
(conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-de-ch-1901.tex
Swiss-German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehyphts-x' 2021-0
2-26 (WL)))
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German Hyphenation Patterns (Traditional Orthography) `dehypht-x' 2022-03-16 (W
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IL3 Esperanto hyphenation patterns (conv-utf8-il3.tex) (hyph-eo.tex))

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German Hyphenation Patterns (Reformed Orthography, 2006) `dehyphn-x' 2022-03-16
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German Traditional Hyphenation Patterns `dehypht' Version 3.2a <1999/03/03>
(Formerly known under the name `ghyph31' and `ghyphen'.)))
EC Irish hyphenation patterns (conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-ga.tex))

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EC Finnish hyphenation patterns (conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-fi.tex))

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EC Classical Latin hyphenation patterns, v.2.0 2019-07-03
ASCII Indonesian hyphenation patterns (hyph-id.tex))
LTH Thai hyphenation patterns (conv-utf8-lth.tex) (hyph-th.tex))

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(conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-da.tex))
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EC Basque hyphenation patterns (conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-eu.tex))

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New German Hyphenation Patterns `dehyphn' Rev.31 <2001-05-07> (WaS)))

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(conv-utf8-ec.tex) (hyph-nb.tex (hyph-no.tex)))
EC Liturgical Latin hyphenation patterns (hyph-la-x-liturgic.ec.tex))

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