Package: mediawiki
Severity: wishlist

Dear Maintainer,

FreedomBox, a Debian pure blend for home servers, provides MediaWiki as an
application. FreedomBox also manages updates of all the installed packages
(using the unattended-updates package). FreedomBox makes releases of the
freedombox package every 2 weeks, which are sent to end users via the
stable-backports channel. The FreedomBox project doesn't expect users to be
proficient with the commandline interface or have any knowledge of system

Whenever the MediaWiki package is updated, it is expected that the system
administrator runs an update.php script to do database migrations. If the
package goes through an upgrade and this script is not run, MediaWiki is left in
an unusable state.

Current workaround
This issue is being fixed currently by triggering update.php from FreedomBox (by
incrementing the version number of the MediaWiki app in FreedomBox). In the
worst case, a user needs to wait 2 weeks (i.e. the next release of the
freedombox package) for a fix. See [1] as an example of this problem.

Proposed long-term solution
Provide support in the Debian package for FreedomBox's use case. If the user
installed MediaWiki database using dbconfig and answered positively to a
question to auto-update the database, then run update.php during package

Please feel free to discuss this issue at [1] on Salsa.


Joseph Nuthalapati
(on behalf of the FreedomBox team)

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