Hi Noël,

Am Mo., 11. Sept. 2023 um 14:15 Uhr schrieb Noël Köthe <n...@debian.org>:
> Am Dienstag, dem 11.01.2022 um 17:19 +0100 schrieb Jens Seidel:
> > I want to use the option --retry-on-http-error to retry until I get a
> > response of 200. This fails:
> 200 and 202 (everything 2xx) are no http-error by definition. It has
> nothing to do with https. The wget option would retry if the http error
> code is 4xx or 5xx.
> I'm closing this report because it is not a bug or an error.

OK, you are right about the error codes. Nevertheless the manual page
of wget mentions:

           Consider given HTTP response codes as non-fatal, transient
errors.  Supply a comma-separated list of 3-digit HTTP response codes
           argument. Useful to work around special circumstances where
retries are required, but the server responds with an error code
           normally not retried by Wget. Such errors might be 503
(Service Unavailable) and 429 (Too Many Requests). Retries enabled by
           option are performed subject to the normal retry timing and
retry count limitations of Wget.

Nowhere is mentioned that the code has to be from a special range.
"Useful to work around special circumstances where retries are
required, but the server responds with an error code normally not
retried by Wget." is exactly my use case (except that I learned now
that 202 is no error code but a normal return code).

I do not reopen, it is OK for me.


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