I seem to have dropped the BTS on reply, so including the history in this email.

Another option I realized might work is to add a `breaks` and `replaces` osk-sdl in unl0kr then ship a link from the osk-sdl keyscript to the unl0kr one in unl0kr. I haven't tested anything at this point, but this would mean we don't have to modify people's crypttab.

Some potential issues for this option:

* It would require an update to osk-sdl to make sure the crypttab config isn't removed if unl0kr is also installed.

* A user removing osk-sdl manually then installing unl0kr would need to configure things manually. Then again, neither would 3a below.

On 9/9/23 21:04, Arnaud Ferraris wrote:
Le 09/09/2023 à 11:27, undef via Debian-on-mobile-maintainers a écrit :
Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this one.

I think in the first instance we should switch c-s-m to unl0kr to catch new installs as you say. That'll stop the problem from getting worse. It would probably be a good idea to ask more technical users to make the switch too before making this type of change.

Yes, I believe this should be done ASAP as I think currently there's only the 2 of us actively using unl0kr, so getting it into more hands will likely help catch bugs and make it more stable.

After that, I have a couple of thoughts on the automated transition:

1. If unl0kr is installed while osk-sdl is it should probably do nothing. This avoids breaking working installs.

This is fine for now, but I think it should be revisited at some point in the future (ideally pre-trixie release, see below).

2. If unl0kr is installed and osk-sdl isn't it should check for osk-sdl's debconf setting indicating that c-s-m or similar configured crypttab in the first place. If this is set unl0kr could attempt to add its keyscript to the crypttab.

     a. This probably also requires a release of osk-sdl with the inverse to:

         * Deconfigure itself

         * Configure unl0kr

         * Set unl0kr's debconf flag as osk-sdl's is.

That sounds reasonable indeed.

3. A new install of unl0kr without osk-sdl ever having been installed could either:

     a. Do nothing, leaving the package installed in a dormant state as it is now.

     b. Prompt loudly using debconf then automatically attempt to configure (this is somewhat recommended against in debconf's docs).

     c. Just automatically attempt to configure (negating the need for 2).

I'm somewhat reticent to do 3c as this will break installs that are non-standard (say someone's configured a TPM or yubikey unlock), but there is at least some desire for the package automatically configuring the system: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1028554

I think that 3a is the best option here, as it basically matches the current behaviour of osk-sdl, which is just fine.

That leaves the matter of how do we trigger the switch? Currently the only packages installed indicating FDE on Mobian devices are unl0kr and osk-sdl. I can't think of a neat way to cause one to be removed and replaced with the other without triggering the install on non-FDE devices.

I'm leaving the "how" aside for now, rather discussing the "why" here: IIUC osk-sdl is now unmaintained and will likely stay that way; therefore, as it's a rather critical component (in the sense that it deals with secrets/encryption) I believe it shouldn't be part of the upcoming Trixie release.

New installs (after the upcoming c-s-m changes are in) won't be affected, which is already a good thing; but I'm a bit reluctant to leave existing users with an unmaintained critical component, hence my belief that an automated migration would be nice.

As suggested by the bug severity this isn't an urgent matter though, and the idea of dropping osk-sdl for trixie can also be discussed.


PS: osk-sdl could be made a transitional package at some point, which would depend on unl0kr, and would take care of modifying the crypttab so unl0kr is used instead.

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