On Sun, 23 Jul 2023 12:45:34 +1000 Steven Haigh <net...@crc.id.au> wrote:
> Ok, so after a day of messing around with Debian 12, it looks like 
> without these patches applied, there is no way to get a IPv6 PD working 
> with a PPPoE connection. Given the majority of ISPs in Australia use 
> PPPoE as their connection method, this is a much bigger issue in this 
> country than where the maintainers of this package live.
> wide-dhcpv6-client doesn't seem to interpret the reply from the ISP as 
> a valid one.
> dibbler-client binds to the wrong LL address and fails to open a socket.
> Copying the dhclient binary from a Fedora 38 install and using that 
> works perfectly - which is using the Fedora patches for dhclient v4.4.3.
> The current, functioning patch from Fedora is here:
> <https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/dhcp/blob/rawhide/f/0013-DHCPv6-over-PPP-support-626514.patch>
> How are we able to fix this properly instead of a 'copy the binary from 
> Fedora' type fix?

Sorry, I really missed this bug report. That said, since the EOL of
isc-dhcp-server, I reduced the priority given to isc-dhcp.

If isc-dhcp is that broken for .au, I could consider a stable update,
after this has been solved in unstable and confirmed doesn't break


 -- Santiago

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