On Tue, 2023-09-19 at 13:47 +0200, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> I can't reproduce it.

Interestingly, I've just been able to reproduce it even with 0.73.99-1:

I have this command:
$ exiftool -p '${CreateDate} ${FileName}' * 2> /dev/null

press enter, then Up key, then I move the cursor behind the 2 and
backspace delete it.
This removes not only the two, but als the >, so I now see:
$ exiftool -p '${CreateDate} ${FileName}' *  /dev/null

> Does it happen at all editing positions?

>From cherry picking a few: yes

> Random difference guesses:
> - Does it happen with a plain
> PS1="$ "
> prompt?

It does indeed not happen with that prompt string.

My PS1 is  a bit more complex, but has worked so far:
$ printf '%s\n' "$PS1"
 [ "$?" -eq 0 ] && { [ -n "$(jobs -s; jobs -r)" ] && printf '%s{%s%s\j%s%s}%s' 
'\[\e[2;37m\]' '\[\e[0m\]' '\[\e[36m\]' '\[\e[0m\]' '\[\e[2;37m\]' '\[\e[0m\]'; 
true; } || { [ -n "$(jobs -s; jobs -r)" ] && printf '%s{%s%s\j%s%s}%s' 
'\[\e[2;37m\]' '\[\e[0m\]' '\[\e[36m\]' '\[\e[0m\]' '\[\e[2;37m\]' '\[\e[0m\]'; 
false; } )$( [ "$?" -eq 0 ] && printf '%s' '\[\e[2;37m\]' || printf '%s' 
'\[\e[31m\]' )\$\[\e[0m\]\[\e]0;\u@\h:\w\e\\\]

(yes I know this might be simplified,... but it's generated from some

> - Is your terminal using TERM=xterm-256color or something else?
TERM is xterm-256color

> - Does it happen with a reinitialized profile?
What do you mean? Fresh .profile and friends?


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