On Thu, 21 Sep 2023, Markus Koschany wrote:

>dependency problem between xrdp and xorgxrdp. If you claim that without a
>rebuild of xorgxrdp a new upstream version of xrdp would be broken, then this
>is a strong indication that xorgxrdp should be more than a recommendation in
>Debian terms:

No, just some kind of ABI thing, but I doubt xrdp upstream already
even guarantees stable ABIs for 0.x releases.

Probably something like the X server itself or Perl, where xrdp
Provides xrdp-abi (= 0.9.21) and xorgxrdp Depends xrdp-abi (= 0.9.12)
and therefore automatically needs a binNMU to get the newer one *and*
lockstep upgrades are enforced by that.

>From the Debian Policy "Declaring relationships between packages"
>"The Depends field should be used if the depended-on package is required for
>the depending package to provide a significant amount of functionality."

Yes. Not applicable here, xrdp does not need xorgxrdp to provide
a significant part of use cases. xorgxrdp is a plugin that can be
added to provide the third significant use case out of three, AIUI.

15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-)

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