Control: reassign -1 wnpp
Control: retitle -1 ITP: Incus -- Powerful system container and virtual machine 
Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: block -1 by 1052536 1001989

  I'm converting this bug to an ITP, as there's clearly sufficient
interest in the packaging of Incus. Plus, it will help track any
dependencies that need to be packaged/updated for Debian.

On Tue, 2023-09-19 at 08:44 +0100, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
> The dependencies should be pretty much the same as LXD 5.16, except for
> cowsql, and for a few dependencies that actually got dropped wrt LXD. So
> that part should be relatively straightforward if you have already done
> some work for LXD 5.16.

  There are two dependencies still in progress that are needed to
properly build the latest feature release of LXD in Debian: golang-
github-grafana-dskit (ITP#1001989; it has one dependency [golang-
github-uber-jaeger-client-go] currently in NEW before I can package it)
and updating golang-github-checkpoint-restore-go-criu to v6 (currently
on v5, with a patch to undo its use in the current LXD packaging).

> The idea is to have Incus follow a release scheme similar to LXD, with
> LTS releases every 2 years or so, and "development" releases in
> between. The first LTS release would probably come out early next year.

  That sounds great, and will fit nicely into the trixie development

> We were thinking more or less the same, but with a difference: what
> about uploading to Debian only the LTS updates of LXD for now (that
> means the 5.0.x releases) and start uploading the Incus development
> releases (once the first is out)?

  That seems reasonable to me. I know people occasionally ask for the
latest version of LXD, which someday I might upload to experimental on
a "best effort" basis, but the main packaging for LXD will follow the
LTS releases. Prior to Incus' 1.0 LTS release, I think it would be
great to upload development releases to facilitate testing by
interested users.

> Once trixie gets released it would contain the latest LXD 5.0.x release
> (which upstream supports until June 2027), and the latest Incus LTS
> release. Bookworm users can upgrade to trixie and then migrate their
> deployments to Incus using the lxd-to-incus tool, if they wish to.

  Just a minor note -- if LXD keeps its established release schedule,
I'm expecting LXD 6.0.x to ship in trixie.

  We will definitely want test the transition path and ensure there's
good documentation in place for the trixie release.

> As for now cowsql's raft is compatible with dqlite's raft, and I plan to
> maintain that compatibility, at least as far as the LXD+dqlite stack is
> concerned (which is what matters for Debian).
> What I'd propose would be to change the upstream of the libraft package
> in Debian from canonical/raft to cowsql/raft, and I could (co-?)maintain
> the libraft package as well as the dqlite one, making sure they work
> together (that might help Laszlo too, taking some work off his plate, I
> can reach out to him and ask).

  Currently in unstable there are only three rdeps of src:raft: dqlite,
golang-github-canonical-go-dqlite, and lxd. So it would certainly be
doable to switch the upstream of src:raft -- if Laszlo is open to doing
so, it should be a pretty easy transition. Probably the trickiest thing
would be the versions: I'd like to avoid a package epoch bump if
possible, and we'd also have to consider the .so versioning.

On Sun, 2023-09-24 at 15:54 +0100, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
> I've created the Salsa repository for the incus Debian source package:


> It's still very early on and it's not working yet (I've mostly rebranded
> the debian/ directory of the lxd Debian source package), but it's a
> start, so perhaps we might already have something kind of working by the
> time the first Incus release is out.

  At least initially, I'd like to keep the packaging for LXD and Incus
as similar as possible. I know over time things will diverge, but for
now I think keeping the delta between packages small will be

> I've now filed an ITP for cowsql:

  Saw that, thanks!


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