
Am 4. Oktober 2023 17:05:16 MESZ schrieb Laura Arjona Reina 
>Hello all
>Sorry for jumping into the thread withour having reading all of it, but the 
>changes to the website cron jobs to build the trixie release notes (MR 13) 
>have been integrated in the codebase (see 
> ) and we're getting an error in the build process (hence the recent "ddp 
>build failed" message in the debian-doc list).
>I think there are two issues:

Thanks for the quick merge.

That being done now, I need to push the 
'Migrate r-n to restructuredText' changings to master.

Please be patient.


>7release-notes script now calls for trixie 
> ):
>make install DESTDIR=$crondir/tmp >> $notesdir/build.log 2>&1
>while for the other releases the call is 
> )
>make -C $notesdir/release-notes publish \
>        PUBLISHTARBALL=yes PUBLISHDIR=$webtopdir/www/releases/$release >> 
> $notesdir/build.log 2>&1
>I believe that the Makefile of release-notes understands "publish" instead of 
>"install" but I'm not sure about how should we update L208 of the 
>7release-notes script.
>On the other hand, if I look at the master branch of the release-notes repo, I 
>see that it's still written in docbook, not restructuredtext.
>I guess the files in the new format are still in 
>https://salsa.debian.org/holgerw/release-notes and should be merged into the 
>original release-notes repo first so we actually build them and not the old 
>docbook ones, but not 100% sure about this point because I couldn't follow all 
>the related threads with all the attention they needed (apologies!).
>Kind regards,
>El 4/10/23 a las 12:23, Holger Wansing escribió:
>> Hi,
>> Thomas Lange <la...@cs.uni-koeln.de> wrote (Wed, 4 Oct 2023 10:29:35 +0200):
>>> Hi Holger,
>>> I really like the idea no to produce release notes for each
>>> architecture but only one. Moving to sphinx is also nice.
>>> Sorry, if I broke your MR, by adding code that checks if something
>>> changed in the git repo. I think I can easily add this to your code
>>> later. So maybe we copy your version of 7release-notes and after that
>>> I add my code.
>> That would be really great!
>>> Do you know how long the build process takes using sphinx? I've added
>>> the code, because the build took around 90 minutes using docbook.
>> I expect the build time to be reduced dramatically (rughly ~ 1/9, due to
>> building only one arch instead of nine), but I have no definite values,
>> expecially not for the run on www-master.
>>> Any other things I should keep an eye on?
>> None at the moment.
>> Thanks for considering this MR.
>> It would give us the possibility to move r-n to sphinx, which would be a
>> great deal!
>> Holger

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