Hi Simon (2023.09.15_11:10:20_+0200)
> I think this might be more appropriate to be done in pybuild than in
> meson-python. meson-python has its upstream behaviour (detailed output
> only when requested) similar to Meson, but if I patched the meson-python
> source package to make verbose output the default, that would affect
> *all* builds done on Debian - not just Debian packages, but also users'
> local builds.

Of course this could be done in a way that detects a Debian build
environment via environment variables, but... not pretty.

> dh-python maintainers: would it make sense for pybuild to detect
> "[build-system] build-backend = 'mesonpy'" in pyproject.toml, and if found,
> make it behave more like what happens in non-Python Meson packages?
> (configure with --wrap-mode=nodownload --buildtype=plain etc.,
> build with --verbose, and so on)

That probably makes sense, yes. I expect dh-python to end up with some
quirks for driving various build backends. We already set environment
variables for flit, for example.

Not knowing much about meson, I could use help verifying that we're
getting this stuff right:

How does this look?

> Another way to achieve this in packages like python-fabio and pyfai
> would be to bypass pyproject and meson-python to run Meson directly,
> either manually per-package via "export PYBUILD_SYSTEM=meson", or maybe
> automatically in pybuild when build-backend = 'mesonpy' is found (but
> perhaps that would be too much magic).

Also an option. Means duplicating less of debhelper in dh-python.

Yeah, having the pyproject backend do non-pyproject builds would be a
bit unexpected, I agree. Not sure I'd want to go there.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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