On 2023-10-21 Jonathan Kamens <j...@kamens.us> wrote:
> On 10/21/23 12:24, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > However I still do not get it.
> > * Is there a useful scenario where someone would set save_seen=none in
> >    the apt stanza?
> *shrug* I don't know. That design decision was made long before my time. I
> don't see any good reason to change it given that if anybody /is/ taking
> advantage of it for whatever reason, then doing so would cause them trouble.


I have played around a little bit, upgrading a single package, with and
without save_seen=none:

I could not see a difference in behavior for apt-listchanges 3.x. It
showed new changelog entries compared to the installed version even if
the same upgrade was previously aborted.

With apt-listchanges there is a difference in behavior, with
save_seen=none it showed new changelog entries compared to the installed
version even on abort (like 3.x), with
save_seen=/var/lib/apt/listchanges.db it did not re-show changes if the
previous try was aborted.

I could *not* reproduce this bug, i.e. apt-listchanges showing older
changelog entries than the one installed.

Assuming 3.x behavior is correct (see below) I still have no idea what
user-visible changes save_seen is supposed to trigger. Is this a
performance optimization or an implementation detail? Afaiu

> > * Would I be reshown changelog entries when I had already seen them
> >    before but aborted the upgrade if save_seen=/var/lib/apt/listchanges
> >    was set?

> In version 3.x of apt-listchanges, if you aborted the update and then ran it
> again you would be shown the changes again. In the current 4.x version of
> apt-listchanges, you will /not/ be shown the changes again if you abort and
> rerun an update.

> Your question has prompted me to think further about this and now I'm not
> convinced the change in behavior in 4.x is correct. What do you think? Do
> you think the program should only "commit" the changes to the database and
> not display them again if the user goes through with the update?

Yes I think the old behavior is correct.

cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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