El 28/10/23 a las 0:18, gregor herrmann escribió:
On Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:53:22 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
My build chroot is still unmerged. I think it's the same on the buildd.
I don't think the latter is still the case but I don't have the
capacity to keep all usr-merge details in my head.
Summary: Starting from bookworm, we may "rely" on systems being usr-merged.
(Because the TC said so).
The buildds are already usr-merged. For example, here is the build
for the updated package that has been just uploaded for unstable:
At the bottom we can see this:
This means the build chroot was usr-merged.
It also means they are using an old sbuild version :-) because a
more recent sbuild will probably say nothing, as usr-merge is
already "the normal thing", not a "tainted" thing.
For this reason, bugs of type "FTBFS when chroot is not usr-merged"
(like this one) should probably not be considered RC anymore.