On 2023-10-28, at 15:11:15 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Oct 2023 11:44:25 +0100 Jeremy Sowden <jer...@azazel.net> wrote:
> > On 2023-10-21, at 11:53:54 +0300, Vincas Dargis wrote:
> > > I've noticed NEWS after NetworkManager upgrade about no longer supporting
> > > if-* scripts, and now `shorewall status` says `Shorewall is stopped` :/ .
> > > > Any ideas how to "workaround" it?
> > 
> > I am working on a fix atm.  My plan is to add a dispatcher script for
> > Shorwall that calls the ifupdown script to the shorewall-init package.
> > The script installed by the package will go into:
> > 
> >   /usr/lib/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
> > 
> > If you choose to install one manually it goes into:
> > 
> >   /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
> > 
> > The script will look something like the attached (currently untested).
> Please consider adding a native hook script and not simply calling the
> if-up.d script from the NM hook script. This is no
> If there is shared functionality, this should be placed into a script in
> /usr/lib/$pkg and be called from both if-up.d and the NM-dispatcher hook.

As it happens, upstream installs the same ifupdown script in
/usr/share/shorewall-init/ as well as /etc/network/if-*.d/.  The Fedora
and SUSE versions, which have been extended to allow them to be used as
NM dispatcher scripts, are additionally installed in
/etc/NetworkManger/dispatcher.d/.  Lots of duplication.  The refactoring
you suggest would certainly be an improvement.  The current solution,
which does at least get the functionality working again, was uploaded
this morning, but, as I say, your proposal makes sense, so I will come
back to this when I get a moment.


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