control: tags -1 pending


On Thu, 2023-09-21 at 21:56 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 18/09/2023 20:12, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> > 
> > Since Bug#1041708 was mentioned, I CC it.
> It is marked as "done", so perhaps you need to reopen it if you expect
> some actions.
> > I propose to replace this line with
> > 
> >     APT::Default-Release "testing";
> > 
> > I think this don't drive people to set this to "stable" as much.
>  From my point of view it is a bit better, but hardly noticeable. And it
> is still misleading for Debian users since testing has security updates
> as well, thus not so trivial regexp is preferred. apt.conf(5) has more
> examples, but neither of them is close to what might be used in real life:

Although, repository for testing security updates exists, it is hardly used in

> > Default-Release
> > 
> > Default release to install packages from if more than one version is
> > available. Contains release name, codename or release version. Examples:
> > 'stable', 'testing', 'unstable', 'bookworm', 'trixie', '4.0', '5.0*'.
> > See also apt_preferences(5).
> I believe that explicit warnings against usage of APT::Default-Release
> will be helpful for users.
> I have not noticed issues with regexp and "apt-get source" or synaptic
> in bookworm. Either they exist or not, mention of regexp as an option is
> valuable from my point of view (with or without a warning concerning
> lack of support in some tool). It will affect decision of those who are
> aware of regexp from the bullseye release notes.

I don't want to spend too much on past release related bugs (including
documentation).  DR is an entry document so it shouldn't clutter.  I decided to
change DR as follows by drop mentioning "APT::Default-Release "stable":

Current text:
   The target release archive can be set by several methods.
   * "/etc/apt/apt.conf" configuration file with "APT::Default-Release 
   * command line option, e.g., "apt-get install -t testing some-package"
Updated text:

   The target release archive can be set by the command line option, e.g., 
   install -t testing some-package"
For APT bug:
this is outside of my control and it has been closed by the maintainer.  So I
didn't CC this reply.



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