On Sat, Nov 04, 2023 at 02:25:47PM -0400, James McCoy wrote:
> We can try that for the now, but it would probably be good for someone
> else to eventually take over primary maintenance of the package.
> https://salsa.debian.org/debian/kitty/-/merge_requests/3 is what I have
> so far for the new upstream version.  Feel free to hack around with
> that.

Cool. I have one question though: how do you sync the repo to new
upstream? It does not seem to use gbp layout so wanted to know how
exactly you're tracking/pulling the commits?

OTOH, I did take a look at the errors and I see two ways. Either patch
out all the go build related code and use debian's go build toolchain
(which takes care of a bunch of things) or hack around the way upstream
builds to somehow fit out usecase (this is consuming quite some cycles).
Definitely complicated since a bunch of different functionalities have
been mixed with different languages.


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