Den 06/11/2023 19:07 huet de(n) Steinar H. Gunderson geschriwwen:
On Mon, Nov 06, 2023 at 06:43:33PM +0100, Alain Knaff wrote:
Nov 06 18:33:15 hitchhiker updatedb.plocate[98659]:  => adding `/home' 
(duplicate of mount point 

So your /home is mounted in two places, and updatedb picks one of them.
There's no way of knowing which one you want, I guess?

/* Steinar */

But then, shouldn't it keep the shorter path (if both are the root of their filesystem)?

And even if it used the longer path, shouldn't it find files which I locate under that longer path?

And during investigation, I added /run/schroot to PRUNEPATHS so updatedb shouldn't have "seen" the longer path at all. The failure to locate files in my home directory happened both before and after this addition.



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