
On Thu, 02 Nov 2023 18:10:19 +0100 Pierre Gruet <p...@debian.org> wrote:
Recently catch2/3.4.0-1 was uploaded to Debian, great. Yet the binary packages
do not follow the layout for libraries that is described in Policy Section 8.
For instance I think we should provide a shared library and if there are enough
reasons not to do so (see Policy 8.3), at least the binary package name should
be changed to libcatch2-dev.

Also this is not a header-only library anymore, the description of the package
should be changed.

I agree, binary package could be renamed and descriptions should be adapted as well. I am not sure about shared library, though.

First, upstream uses full source package version for soversion. This means a transition for even a patch level upstream release. I maintain a couple of packages like this and it is tiring.

Second, I do not expect any real binary package depending on catch2 shared library as only test objects are linked with it. But I may be wrong here.

As a side note, the upload of the major version 3.x came out with many breaking
interface changes giving rise to RC bugs in e.g. genomicsdb, netgen, spdlog,
therion just to name a few, also to failing autopkgtests in many rdeps. I would
have been more comfortable with such a huge version change being advertised and
more prepared, with some kind of a library transition process for instance.

Right. Such changes should be announced beforehand since catch2 is used widely in the archive. Transition would have been nice indeed.

In any case, thanks for your work on catch2,

Seconded - thanks for maintaining this package.

Best wishes,

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