
On 10-11-2023 11:56, Andreas Tille wrote:
The only new dependency we need is SparseArray.  However, we cannot
upload the package to new since it needs r-bioc-s4arrays (>= 1.1.6) for
building it.  In other words: We need to start the transition before we
can package SparseArray.

You're totally free use experimental for that to get SparseArray through NEW. I assume you don't need 100% of the transition, but only a (hopefully tiny) bit. So you could upload the newer version of r-bioc-biocgenerics and reverse depending packages up to where you need it to build SparseArray.

Alternatively, you can send packages to NEW that you build with locally newer versions (however you create them). Once accepted, the buildds will only build the non-uploaded archs once the right version becomes available. In other words, uploads to NEW don't require all their build dependencies already (at the right version) in Debian. We need to rebuild that package anyways to make it eligible for migration, so an (maybe from your perspective) early upload is not more waste of time with the current archive settings, but of course the preparation in experimental is a bit more work from your side. However, that's what we request in nearly all transitions: prepare as much as possible *before* we actually start the transition.

On 09-11-2023 14:59, Charles Plessy wrote:
But if this is important for you we can
surely write ack messages faster.
I'm convinced it would help. Having said that, that doesn't need to be long proza, mostly a sign "we're on top of this and that". (Which doesn't mean you have to work 24/7 to fix it, of course you are also a volunteer). When we know what's on your radar, we can also more effectively point at potential gaps that we may spot.

This is what I feel when I see the new request from your team coming
at the last minute and not as a debriefing of the previous
I'm sorry to hear that it felt like a new request. I think for us it felt more like "lets treat this more like we do other transitions". And yes, maybe we should do debriefings once in a while, but we are not accustomed to do that and I believe that in the cases that would benefit most from a debriefing those involved rather want to move on.


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