Package: postgresql-common
Version: 248
Severity: critical

When I tried to use "pg_createcluster" to configure my pre-existing
PostgreSQL data directory with a new Debian install, it deleted the
whole cluster with all databases instead.  (This serious data loss
justifies "severity critical" according to

Steps to reproduce:

 pg_createcluster 15 test
 cp /etc/postgresql/15/test/postgresql.conf /var/lib/postgresql/15/test/
 rm -r /etc/postgresql/15/test
 pg_createcluster 15 test

This creates a new cluster just for the demo, then deletes the
configuration directory, after copying the postgresql.conf to the data

I expect the second "pg_createcluster" call to find the existing data
directory and configure it; and it tries to do so indeed:

 Configuring already existing cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/15/test, 
data: /var/lib/postgresql/15/test, owner: 103:111)

After it finds and moves a "postgresql.conf", it however fails to find

 Error: move_conffile: required configuration file 
/var/lib/postgresql/15/test/pg_hba.conf does not exist

This fails the whole operation, and apparently, "pg_createcluster"
tries to roll back by invoking "pg_dropcluster 15 test 2>/dev/null",
destroying all pre-existing data.

If "postgresql.conf" does not exist (or is empty), "pg_dropcluster" is
not invoked.

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