Control: reassign -1 src:linux 6.1.38-4
Control: forcemerge 1051643 -1
Control: affects -1 apt


On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 11:04:18AM -0500, js1 wrote:
> Running apt-get update causes kernel BUG as reported in 1051643.  apt-get 
> update hangs:

If that is as you describe, that the bug is in the kernel, we as apt
maintainers can do nothing about it.

We have also no other reports to that effect here or as far as I can see
in Launchpad (= Ubuntu) against apt, so this might be highly dependent
on your/specific hardware.

So, keeping the bug open here seems to serve no purpose in my eyes and
hence I am merging it with the existing one – but I tag it as affecting
apt, so that it appears in its bug list should other users encounter
this with apt (which I suppose was your intend).

Beside you running apt I don't see any apt code in the trace, but from
the apt output produced I suppose its triggering somewhere in the
download step, so the following might help to simplify the reproducer
a bit – if you can reproduce it that way of course as a lot of
complexity is stripped away which might trigger it…

$ cat > /tmp/testrequest <<EOF
601 Configuration
Config-Item: Debug::Acquire::http=1
Config-Item: Debug::Acquire::https=1
Config-Item: Acquire::http::DependOnSTDIN=0
Config-Item: Acquire::https::DependOnSTDIN=0

600 URI Acquire
Filename: /dev/null

$ /usr/lib/apt/methods/http < /tmp/testrequest

(yes, you can and are encouraged to run this as non-root user.
 While creating the testrequest file make sure copy everything between
 the two EOF. Especially the ending empty line. A successful run ends
 with a block starting with "201 URI Done". Your apt output suggests
 it triggers somewhere between "102 Status" and "200 URI Start".)

Before giving up on this try using a real Filename and/or different URI
in the testrequest (if you want to use a https URI, make sure to call
the https method!).

Hope that helps & good luck finding the cause & solution.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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