Package: src:testresources
Version: 2.0.1-4
Severity: important
Tags: sid trixie
Usertags: python3.12
testresources autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12:
243s autopkgtest [19:24:35]: test unittests: [-----------------------
243s + py3versions -vs
243s + PYTHON3S=3.12 3.11
243s + python3.12 -m discover
243s <frozen runpy>:128: RuntimeWarning: '' found in
sys.modules after import of package 'testtools', but prior to execution
of ''; this may result in unpredictable behaviour
243s Tests running...
243s ======================================================================
243s ERROR:
243s ----------------------------------------------------------------------
243s Traceback (most recent call last):
243s File
line 161, in testSingleWithSetup
243s self.failIf(hasattr(self.resourced_case, "foo"))
243s ^^^^^^^^^^^
243s AttributeError: 'TestResourcedTestCase' object has no attribute
'failIf'. Did you mean: 'fail'?
243s ======================================================================
243s ERROR:
243s ----------------------------------------------------------------------
243s Traceback (most recent call last):
243s File
line 132, in testTearDownResourcesDeletesResourceAttributes
243s self.failIf(hasattr(self.resourced_case, "foo"))
243s ^^^^^^^^^^^
243s AttributeError: 'TestResourcedTestCase' object has no attribute
'failIf'. Did you mean: 'fail'?
243s Ran 101 tests in 0.064s
243s FAILED (failures=2)