Package: sponsorship-requests Severity: normal Dear mentors,
I am looking for a sponsor for my package "allegro5": (Still without a gpg key that I can use for uploads of my own, so still forced to go through mentors). - changes also pushed to the salsa git repository. * Package name : allegro5 Version : 2: Upstream contact : * URL : * License : Zlib, BitstreamVera, BSD-3-clause, BSD-3-clause or GPL-2 * Vcs : Section : libs The source builds the following binary packages: liballegro-image5.2 - image addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-image5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 image addon liballegro-physfs5.2 - physfs addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-physfs5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 physfs addon liballegro-ttf5.2 - ttf addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-ttf5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 ttf addon liballegro-video5.2 - video addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-video5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 video addon allegro5-doc - documentation for the Allegro 5 library liballegro5.2 - portable library for cross-platform game and multimedia development liballegro5-dev - development files for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-acodec5.2 - audio codec addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-acodec5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 audio codec addon liballegro-audio5.2 - audio addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-audio5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 audio addon liballegro-dialog5.2 - dialog addon for the Allegro 5 library liballegro-dialog5-dev - header files for the Allegro 5 dialog addon To access further information about this package, please visit the following URL: Alternatively, you can download the package with 'dget' using this command: dget -x Changes since the last upload: allegro5 (2: unstable; urgency=medium . * New upstream version * Fix watchfile * Remove patch 0004-Use-CLOCK_REALTIME-instead-of-CLOCK_MONOTONIC.patch, applied upstream * Add cmake Config-mode files * Update symbol files * Remove lintian-overrides file, not needed Regards, -- Andreas Rönnquist