Hi Dima,

qick top post as I'm about to head out for work and I don't have access to my
Debian mail there. I'll write you a more complete reply in ~12 hours when I'm

Until then, the short answer is: you cannot re-run that apt-get in a shell
because of the file descriptors that are passed, the pseudo terminal setup,
proc handling, /dev/ptmx setup etc. This is also why it's not so easy (or even
possible?) to copypaste the command and run it in a shell. A lot of things that
mmdebstrap does are not possible (I think) in a shell because a careful dance
of foreground and background processes talking with each other over pipes is
constructed in many cases.

It is possible to run the command you attempted to run from a shell but the
command will be a bit different and thus it will not do exactly the same thing.

What I would try in your situation is to not list the packages you want to
install via --include but instead run mmdebstrap like this:

mmdebstrap ... --variant=apt --chrooted-customize-hook=bash unstable /dev/null

This will give you a shell inside a minimal chroot and from there you can mess
around with apt pinning and run arbitrary apt-get install commands. Once you
are happy, try to copy what you did in the shell interactively into --include
options and --hooks.

Hope that helps!

cheers, josch

Quoting Dima Kogan (2023-11-28 00:02:43)
> Hi. I tried to do that apt pinning today, as you suggested. It still
> fails in the same way as before:
>   $ mmdebstrap ....
>   ....
>   I: installing remaining packages inside the chroot...
>   ....
>   Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
>   requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
>   distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
>   or been moved out of Incoming.
>   The following information may help to resolve the situation:
>   The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>    ros-noetic-cv-bridge : Depends: libopencv-dev but it is not installable
>    ros-noetic-grid-map-filters : Depends: libopencv-dev but it is not 
> installable
>    ros-noetic-image-geometry : Depends: libopencv-dev but it is not 
> installable
>   E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
> The preferences file is there, but it isn't obviously doing anything. I
> did some debugging just now to try to figure out why, and I'm reminded
> of
>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1036929
> Ideally the workflow I would like is
> 1. mmdebstrap does stuff. When it runs a command, it prints out EXACTLY
>    what it does, in a way that I can copy/paste it, and get the same
>    output
> 2. If it fails to do something, it drops me into a shell. Where I can paste
>    the command to reproduce the problem, and then poke around to fix it
> This probably isn't 100% possible here; but how would you debug this
> otherwise?
> I'm attaching a patch that does some of (1.) above. This uses
> String::ShellQuote to quote all the arguments so that the command string
> can be pasted. I'm guessing you'd want to do some of that differently,
> so it isn't super thorough.
> OK. Then I gave myself a shell in a spot that (I think?) sits right
> before the failing "apt-get install":
>   mmdebstrap \
>     --essential-hook 'echo $$1; bash -i' \
>     ....
> And pasting the command didn't work as I had hoped:
>   root@fatty:# apt-get -o Dir::Bin::dpkg=env -o 
> DPkg::Options::=--unset=TMPDIR -o DPkg::Options::=dpkg -o 
> DPkg::Chroot-Directory=/tmp/mmdebstrap.i1wpW0WLMS --yes install 
> -oDpkg::Use-Pty=false tst-libopoencv 
> '?narrow(?or(?archive(^focal$),?codename(^focal$)),?architecture(arm64),?and(?or(?priority(required),?priority(important)),?not(?essential)))'
>   E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: 
> Permission denied)
>   E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), 
> are you root?
> Any idea what the difference is? Here I'm running the external
> "apt-get". Is the "apt-get install" supposed to happen inside the
> chroot? There is no "apt-get" binary there yet.
> If I can quickly and repeatedly reproduce the failure, I can "apt-cache
> policy libopencv-dev", and I can see if it's trying to use the
> preferences file and such. Maybe I mistyped something.
> If the above diagnostic sequence cannot work, what would?
> Thanks much

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