
On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 22:08:12 +0100 Thomas Uhle
<thomas.u...@mailbox.tu-dresden.de> wrote:
> Source: bouncycastle
> Version: 1.72-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear maintainers,
> I wonder why in debian/rules the pom files were synchronized with the 
> ones from Maven having the suffix "-jdk18on" while for building the binary 
> packages still "ant/jdk15+.xml" is used instead of "ant/jdk18+.xml".

Good question. Perhaps the jdk18+ jar files were breaking some reverse-
dependencies in the past. The soon to be released 1.77 version of bouncycastle
will require updates of several of those reverse-dependencies. As soon as those
issues are fixed, we can rebuild everything with jdk18+ again.

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