
Looking at your logs, It looks like the kernel has decided that it can’t fulfil 
a memory (RAM) allocation request.

There are some sysctl values that affect how the kernel handles overcommitment 
and other things (e.g. reserved RAM for the admin user).

Can you check the output of “sysctl -a” for anything that’s out of the ordinary?

Some things to look at:


Also, if you have a big tmpfs that might reduce available memory.

Some more notes about this here:

The “bug” could of course also be that gPodder tries to allocate too much 
memory, and the memory allocation failing is just a symptom of that.


> On 28.11.2023, at 12:34, Grand T <grandtou...@msn.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I Give another try with the two versions available, below what I found in logs
> journalctl -xb | grep gpodder
> nov. 28 12:20:05 debian sudo[6011]:      guy : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/guy ; 
> USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt install gpodder
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:20:56 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 6721, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:21:22 debian sudo[6743]:      guy : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/guy ; 
> USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt purge gpodder
> nov. 28 12:21:55 debian sudo[7708]:      guy : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/guy ; 
> USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt install gpodder/stable
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:31 debian kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 8403, comm: gpodder, 
> no enough memory for the allocation
> nov. 28 12:22:37 debian sudo[8424]:      guy : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/guy ; 
> USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/apt purge gpodder
> it remains 1,5 G in my home:
> df -hT
> Sys. de fichiers Type     Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
> udev             devtmpfs   1,8G       0  1,8G   0% /dev
> tmpfs            tmpfs      366M    2,1M  364M   1% /run
> /dev/sda1        ext4        19G     15G  3,3G  82% /
> tmpfs            tmpfs      1,8G     75M  1,8G   5% /dev/shm
> tmpfs            tmpfs      5,0M    8,0K  5,0M   1% /run/lock
> tmpfs            tmpfs      1,1G     57M  1,1G   6% /tmp
> /dev/sda6        ext4       268G    253G  1,5G 100% /home
> tmpfs            tmpfs      366M     84K  366M   1% /run/user/1001
> free -mht
>                total       utilisé      libre     partagé tamp/cache   
> disponible
> Mem:           3,6Gi       1,8Gi       493Mi       145Mi       1,6Gi       
> 1,7Gi
> Échange:       7,7Gi       256Ki       7,7Gi
> Total:          11Gi       1,8Gi       8,2Gi
> By the way everything else is working on this Pc

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