On Fri, 27 Oct 2023 07:31:31 +0200 Andreas Tille <andr...@fam-tille.de> wrote:> 
Am Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 12:24:20PM -0400 schrieb Frank Bearoff:
> * What led up to the situation?
> sudo apt install "mosdepth"

OK, you installed the package - but what did you after installing it?
Which command did you called that failed and is exposing the problem?

I checked the linked libraries:

$ ldd /usr/bin/mosdepth linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007fffa19fc000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007fb43a39d000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007fb43a657000)

It should be as simple as to reproduce:

$ sudo apt install mosdepth
$ mosdepth -h
could not load: libhts.so
(compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen for more information)

It does not sound very convincing that the development package is
needed.  Most probably your system will be solved by installing libhts3.
But first I would like to know what the problem really is.

Not really. As per the readme of mosdepth:

| The binary from releases is static, with no dependencies. If you build it 
| `mosdepth` requires htslib version 1.4 or later. If you get an error
| about "`libhts.so` not found", set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` to the directory that
| contains `libhts.so`. e.g.
| `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/src/htslib/ mosdepth -h`
| If you get the error `could not import: hts_check_EOF` you may need to
| install a more recent version of htslib.

Since we are not building a static lib of htslib, we need a .so file for 
to consume.

> * What was the outcome of this action?
> mosdepth works

Please define `works`.  As in the given test CI links it works as

That's because it has a test dependency on libhts-dev

> It appears "mosdepth has the undecalred dependency of "libhts-dev"

Dependencies from libraries are usually detected automatically which
works in general with extremely rare exceptions.

Note that this is a package written in nim which is a (relatively) new language 
has almost zero support from other (debian) tools, so much so that it does not 
its own debhelper tool.

Its very uncommon that
a non-development package needs a *-dev package.

I think in this case it really needs a '.so' in place. So I am adding this in 
and uploading a fix. LMK if you disagree.

@Frank, thanks for reporting!


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