On 12/11/23 12:04, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
Unfortunately pyfuse3 is currently not more actively developedi (see it's github page), I wonder if it makes sense maintaining it in Debian, even considering the Python
life cycle which far from being slow and could render the whole thing
strongly obsolete even at mid-term.
Removing the package because it's dead upstream makes sense.

The rdeps will need to be updated before it can be removed:

 # Broken Depends:
 s3ql: s3ql

 # Broken Build-Depends:
 borgbackup: python3-pyfuse3
 borgbackup2: python3-pyfuse3
 s3ql: python3-pyfuse3 (3.2.0 >=)
       python3-pyfuse3 (4.0.0 <)

Kind Regards,


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