> Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > > With the symlinks, the best approach I've come up with for
> > postinst
> > > scripts is for them to check for a flag file, create the symlink
> > and
> > > touch the flag if the flag is missing. I'm not sure where to put
> > the
> > > flag files, possibly somewhere under /var. 
> > How this would be best? The current practice of creating the
> > symlinks
> > only when the package is installed for the first time (or upgraded
> > to a
> > version which includes the symlink if it did not exist before) is
> > much
> > simpler.

> The two main problems I have with it are:

> 1. This would make dh_installudev a debhelper command that, unlike
> every
>    other debhelper command, requires you pass it the version number in
>    which it was first used. I dislike divergence of debhelper
>    commands;
>    they're supposed to have very similar interfaces to keep them easy
>    to
>    learn.

> 2. The version number comparison falls down if a package is branched
> and
>    both branches independantly get a udev file. This could happen in
>    backports, ubuntu, etc. Upgrade from one branch to the other and
>    the
>    versioning will not help it make the right decision about creating
>    the symlink.

I'm getting bitten by this problem as well with openct. Is there no
clever way to detect if the previous version had the rules file, and
if not, install the symlink on upgrade as well? 

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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