
This patch adds a man page for ar86 and objdump86. The latter is also
for size86 and nm86, and the patch to debian/rules make sure that


diff -ruN linux86-0.16.14/debian/changelog linux86-0.16.14-patch/debian/changelog
--- linux86-0.16.14/debian/changelog	2006-05-28 16:37:50.000000000 -0700
+++ linux86-0.16.14-patch/debian/changelog	2006-05-28 16:27:38.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+linux86 (0.16.14-patch-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Added man pages for ar86, objdump86, size86 and nm86 with patch
+    from Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Closes: #138042)
+ -- Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 28 May 2006 16:27:25 -0700
 linux86 (0.16.14-1.2) unstable; urgency=high
   * NMU
diff -ruN linux86-0.16.14/debian/rules linux86-0.16.14-patch/debian/rules
--- linux86-0.16.14/debian/rules	2006-05-28 16:37:50.000000000 -0700
+++ linux86-0.16.14-patch/debian/rules	2006-05-28 18:34:00.000000000 -0700
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
 		rm -f debian/tmp-bin86/usr/bin/{size86,objdump86}
 		ln debian/tmp-bin86/usr/bin/nm86 debian/tmp-bin86/usr/bin/size86
 		ln debian/tmp-bin86/usr/bin/nm86 debian/tmp-bin86/usr/bin/objdump86
+		rm -f debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/man/man1/{size86.1.gz,nm86.1.gz}
+		ln debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/man/man1/objdump86.1.gz debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/man/man1/nm86.1.gz
+		ln debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/man/man1/objdump86.1.gz debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/man/man1/size86.1.gz
 		cp -p debian/changelog debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/doc/bin86/changelog.Debian
 		gzip -9f debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/doc/bin86/*
 		install -d debian/tmp-bin86/usr/share/doc/bin86/examples
diff -ruN linux86-0.16.14/man/ar86.1 linux86-0.16.14-patch/man/ar86.1
--- linux86-0.16.14/man/ar86.1	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ linux86-0.16.14-patch/man/ar86.1	2006-05-28 16:33:59.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+.TH ar86 1 "May, 2006"
+.BY Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ar86 \- Create, modify, and extract from archive file
+.B ar86
+.I operation
+.B archive 
+.RI [ file... ]
+.BR ar86
+.I positional\-op
+.B  member
+.B archive 
+.RI [ file ...]
+.B ar86 
+program is used to create, examine and modify archive files produced
+by the Dev86/ELKS toolchain.
+.B ar86
+command requires that the operation to be performed on the archive be
+specified as the first option. If the operation is positional then the
+next option is the archive member marking the position. This is
+followed by the archive file name and any list of file names.
+.SS Operations
+One of the following operations can be specified
+.B d
+\fIdelete\fR the listed files from the archive.
+.B m
+\fImove\fR the named files. By default files are moved to the end of
+the archive unless a positional modifier is present.
+.B p
+\fIprint\fP the contents of archive members to standard out. If a file
+list is included only those members are printed. If the \fBv\fR
+modifier is present each file's contents are preceeded by a new line,
+a line with the string \fBmember\fR, a space character, the member
+name, and two following newlines.
+.B q
+.I quickly
+add the files to the end of the archive without checking
+to see if they already exist in the archive. This operation will
+ignore any positional modifiers. Creates the archive file if it does
+not exist.
+.B r
+\fIreplace\fR archive members with the files listed. If the file name
+is not present in the archive it is added to the end of the archive
+(or to any explicitly specified position). Creates the archive file if
+it does not exist.
+.B t
+\fItable\fR; list the file names of archive members. If a file list is
+present only those files that are present in the archive are listed.
+The \fBv\fR modifier prints member attributes.
+.B x
+\fIextract\fR the named files from the archive into the current
+directory. If no files are specified all the archive members will be
+.SS Modifiers
+The following modifiers may be used with the operations
+.B o
+\fIoriginal\fR time stamps from the archive are preserved for
+extracted files when possible.
+.B s
+\fIsymbol\fR update; this option may be used by itself to force an
+update to the symbol definition section of the archive (the
+member). If any files are specified they will be replaced as if the 
+.B r
+operation had been specified. If no symbol definition section exists
+one is created. This option will also creates the archive file if it
+does not exist.
+.B u 
+\fIupdate\fR files in the archive during a
+.B r
+.RI ( replace )
+operation. The files are added to the archive in exactly the same
+manner as
+.I replace
+except that an existing archive member will be retained (in its
+original position) if it has a modified more recently than the file
+being added. Note that this modifier acts as if a
+.B r
+operation has been specified (even it has not), and will actually
+override any other previously specified operation.
+.B v
+\fIverbose\fR; print additional diagnostic messages while processing
+the archive.
+.SS Positional Modifiers
+The following modifiers specify where in the archive files are moved
+to or added. If any of these modifiers are specified then the second
+option to 
+.B ar86
+must be the name of an archive member.
+.B a
+\fIafter\fR; files are placed after the specified archive member.
+.B b
+\fIbefore\fR; files are placed before the specified archive member.
+.B i
+same as
+.BR b .
+To see the contents of an archive
+ar86 tv libfile.a
+To add some files to an archive
+ar86 r libfile.a file1.o file2.o
+to add some files after a member named mem.o and to update the symbol
+ar86 rsa mem.o libfile.a file1.o file2.o
+.B l
+modifier will be accepted but ignored.
+This command is intended for use only with object files created using
+the Dev86/ELKS toolchain.
+.BR as86 (1), 
+.BR bcc (1),
+.BR ld86 (1)
+\(co 1988, 1990 Free Software Foundation Inc. Changes for 
+.B ar86 
+by Greg Haerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
+The manual page was written for Debian GNU/Linux, \(co 2006 Shyamal
+Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. It is distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License version 2 (or any later version
+released by the Free Software Foundation).
diff -ruN linux86-0.16.14/man/Makefile linux86-0.16.14-patch/man/Makefile
--- linux86-0.16.14/man/Makefile	1998-07-31 06:03:30.000000000 -0700
+++ linux86-0.16.14-patch/man/Makefile	2006-05-28 16:53:23.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-MAN1PG=as86.1 bcc.1 elks.1 elksemu.1 ld86.1
+MAN1PG=as86.1 bcc.1 elks.1 elksemu.1 ld86.1 ar86.1 objdump86.1
diff -ruN linux86-0.16.14/man/objdump86.1 linux86-0.16.14-patch/man/objdump86.1
--- linux86-0.16.14/man/objdump86.1	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ linux86-0.16.14-patch/man/objdump86.1	2006-05-28 16:34:08.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+.TH objdump86 1 "May, 2006"
+.BY Shyamal Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+objdump86, size86, nm86 \- Examine object, archive or executable files
+.BI objdump86 
+.RI [ file ...]
+.B size86 
+.RI [ file ...]
+.BI nm86 
+.RI [ file ...]
+These commands are used to examine the contents of object files. They
+may also be used to examine archive or executable files. When archive
+files are examined each module in the archive will be processed in
+.B nm86 
+prints the symbol table in each of the specified files.
+.B size86
+displays a summary of the sizes of the segments in each of the files.
+.B objdump86
+decodes and displays the contents of the object files specified. This
+includes the section headers, symbols tables, segment sizes, and
+segment contents.
+The programs are not designed to accept any options.
+It should be noted that all three of
+.BR objdump86 ,
+.BR size86 ,
+.B nm86
+are implemented as links to the same executable file (called
+.BR objdump86
+in the source distribution). The result of running this executable is
+determined by the file name actually used to execute it.
+It is possible to force a specific behavior irrespective of the
+invocation file name using one of the options below
+.B -s
+Behave like
+.BR size86 .
+.B -n
+Behave like
+.BR nm86 .
+These commands are intended for use only with the Dev86/ELKS
+.BR as86 (1),
+.BR bcc (1),
+.BR ld86 (1)
+.BR objdump86 ,
+.BR size86 ,
+.B nm86
+\(co 1999 Greg Haerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
+The manual page was written for Debian GNU/Linux, \(co 2006 Shyamal
+Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. It is distributed under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License version 2 (or any later version
+released by the Free Software Foundation).

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