Package: sudo
Version: 1.9.15p4-2
Severity: important

Dear Team,

it has recently come to my attention that the sudo package contains
sudo_logsrvd, a daemon which can collect event and "I/O logs" from sudo.
Judging from the SECURITY NOTES in sudo(8), this means logging the
complete input and output of a command invoked via sudo.

In #1059896, Tolimar suggests adding OpenSSL support so that the
input/output is not send unencrypted over the network. The more I think
about this the more we need to do. At the current state, the package
doesn't conform to what I expect of a Debian package.

Should we:

remove sudo_logsrvd from the package with no replacement?

move sudo_logsrvd to its own package with proper systemd unit etc bla

continue shipping an unconfigured daemon without execution
infrastructure even to clients that will never run it

and (orthogonal to the upper options)

continue to ship things wihout OpenSSL

enable OpenSSL, pulling in an additional dependency also for sudo

That leaves us the choice (1), (2a), (2b), (3a), (3b)

I currently don't see myself in a position to provide proper support for
Options (2b) and (3b), and while (2a) is considerably easier it's
probably beyond my current personal limits as well. So, if things are
going to continue that I am the one doing the bulk of the work, we're
probably stuck with (1) or (2a).

An independent solution would be to continue shipping sudo.deb in a
minimal configuration, and having a new sudo-extended.deb that can
support plugins, SSL, bells and whistles, but just with supported sudo
=> sudo-extended migration path and explicitly not providing a migration
path back from sudo-extended to plain sudo. But all this can only be
done after sudo-ldap is gone as this is a horrible mess to package that
we NEED to get rid of.

I'd like to hear your comments.


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