On Mon, 2024-01-15 at 19:29 +0100, Richard wrote:
> I second this report. The app did use to work actually, but recently - not 
> sure with
> transitioning to ausweisapp with v2.0 or later, this breaks for me too.

What breaks? Please be more specific!

> This renders the app completely unusable, at least using Gnome, which should 
> justify a
> severity of important. It's quite irrelevant if the app is a Gnome, Gt or 
> whatever app.

It is actually quite relevant because it is up to the upstream developer which 
they support and which not. There is an endless number of Linux distributions 
and desktop
environments, so it's naturally impossible to support all of them.

> Like any app, if it's included in Debian it should not be broken beyond 
> usability.

It's not broken beyond usability. It works for me perfectly fine. There is no 
you though that it will work in your particular configuration. And, as you can 
read from
the license, Debian comes with absolutely no warranty whatsoever, so I am not 
sure what
you are expecting.

> Sure, the newer version right now is only available in testing and sid 
> (tested both, same
> result).

Errm, you shouldn't be installing packages from unstable on a stable system [1].

> But that just makes it more important that this is sorted out before this 
> package is made
> available in stable or stable-backports. Especially since running it as 
> Flatpak would
> probably render half the app unusable since the communication with the 
> browser would
> probably not work.

FWIW, I am merely packaging the software for Debian. I am not the upstream 
developer. If
you have problems with the software itself which is not related to packaging, 
you should
direct your bug reports upstream.

Unfortunately though, upstream actually does not officially support Linux, so 
they don't
really care if it breaks. Thus, if you are really so annoyed by the software 
not working
on your particular system, I am happy to request a removal of the package from 
the Debian
archive mirrors so that I don't have to bother with such entitled bug reports 


> [1] https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian#Don.27t_make_a_FrankenDebian

 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   Physicist
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