
Am 21.01.24 um 14:44 schrieb Eric Valette:

ii  libxml2 2.12.3+dfsg-0exp1

And this one *from experimental* changed ABI (see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1059040). Don't install it on systems you don't want breakage in.

Bingo you got it. However this means that dependencies are wrong somewhere. As soon as it enter unstable, the problem will be there if dependencies/rebuild are not managed correctly

Exactly that is the point of #1059040. The binary packages have to be renamed. (Then rebuild against libxml2-WHATEVERNEW). Then a rebuild LO will have a proper dependency on libxml2-WHATEVERNEW.

The libxml2 package as of now must not install unstable at current state.

Indeed the current package name of libxml2 is a problem and fullfills unstables depends, but see below.

It is expected that stuff built with 2.9.x doesn't necessarily work with 2.12. And here libsdlo.so *does* link against libxml:

Missing dependency < dependency at least.

Yeah.  But for that you need a palantir. For an unknown amount of packages in the archive?

No. The bug is in libxml2.



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