Control: reassign -1 linux is for issues with the bug tracking system, not issues
with the linux Kernel.

On Sun, 21 Jan 2024, Olivier Delemar wrote:
> The Mackie ProFX16 is a mixer with a 2x4 USB interface. When I plug it on my
> computer, kern.log reports :


> I've tried genuine debian kernel also and notice no differences regarding this
> bug compared to the Librazik custom kernel.

Please run it with a recent Debian kernel and include the version number
(and any other details from lsusb -v), and include those details in the
bug. [I don't know enough of the sound subsystem details to be of much
more help, sorry.]

Don Armstrong            

He no longer wished to be dead. At the same time, it cannot be said
that he was glad to be alive. But at least he did not resent it. He
was alive, and the stubbornness of this fact had little by little
begun to fascinate him -- as if he had managed to outlive himself, as
if he were somehow living a posthumous life.
 -- Paul Auster _City of Glass_

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