On 2024-01-27 18:28, Francesco Ballarin wrote:
OK Andreas, I'll push to master. Let me take the lead on that, and
I'll come back to you and Drew with progress and questions.

I think I have some ideas on how to get started on the basic package.

Thanks Francesco and Andreas. Will be interesting to see the dolfinx demos running in their full pyvista livery.

The full package (i.e., all optional components that one can install
with "pip install pyvista[all]") will be much more complex, because it
depends on trame, which comes split in five interdependent packages
and who knows how many dependencies each one of those have.
but let's start with a less ambitious goal ;)

I agree, get the basic functionality in place first :)

I think that the error you see is because python3-vtk9 is only built
for python 3.11, but unit tests are getting run with python 3.12.

This is annoying problem, constrained by cmake limitations. Other packages are also affected, like spglib, which then constrains pymatgen. The problem is that cmake does not allow for building python modules over multiple python versions. The FEniCS project has been smarter about it, keeping the C++ library and the python module build separate (the first using cmake, the latter using setup/pyproject).

Not much we can do about it with vtk9 in the short term. Complaints should be pushed to kitware though. They seem to think it should be done in your source, which is pretty weird.

Different source dirs makes little sense, but possibly cmake could be run multiple times, once for each python, in separate build dirs.

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