Hi again,

Am Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 08:58:58PM +0100 schrieb Przemysław Kopa:
> $ head -n 6 plotly_cran/lib/plotly-main-2.11.1/plotly-latest.min.js
> /**
> * plotly.js v2.11.1
> * Copyright 2012-2022, Plotly, Inc.
> * All rights reserved.
> * Licensed under the MIT license
> */

I've updated plotly.js from upstream[1] to its latest version (2.28.0)
and hope this is working nicely now (in Debian package 4.10.4+dfsg-2
just uploaded to unstable).

If you want to make sure the plotly Debian package works always as
expected I would love if you could try to convince CRAN plotly authors
to include the uncompressed plotly.js source in their download tarball.
In Debian compressed JS is considered binary without source.  Thus I
have to remove the compressed file and fetch the uncompressed one from
upstream.  Unfortunately I do not do this routinely when upgrading the
plotly package which caused the observed problem.

In any case thanks for your bug report and the accordin investigation

[1] https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js 


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