On Sat, 30 Dec 2023 at 06:15, Rob Janssen <deb...@pe1chl.nl> wrote:

> After the upgrade, the snmptrapd service no longer starts.
> The error message is: couldn't open udp:162 -- errno 13 ("Permission
> denied")
Could you tell me how you start snmptrapd?
There are two ways:
The default systemd way. The socket is created with a snmptrap.socket and
then passed onto the snmpdtrap server. I have tested this just now and it
works fine with 5.9.4
The init way. In this case snmptrapd starts as root and changes to
Debian-snmp after binding to the sockets.

It appears that this is caused by the service being started as user
> Debian-snmp
and thus not being able to open privileged ports.
As you can see, it doesn't need to normally.

> To cover possible upgrade issues I removed and purged the snmptrapd package
> and re-installed it, but the new install suffered the same issue.
What, specifically, are you doing to see this message? Running what you see
in the service file on the command line won't work and will give this

 - Craig

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