Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

  lxc already appears to be setting the security repo by default for
containers created with the debian template. On a bookworm system,
creating both a bookworm and bullseye container results in a
sources.list file that looks like this (of course, bullseye had the
proper release name):

> deb bookworm main
> deb bookworm-security main

  I suspect debci is either adding options or directly generating a
sources.list that is injected into the container. The word "debug"
doesn't appear anywhere within the debian template script and I'm not
sure how the "deb-src" lines could be introduced with the existing
template logic.

  Maybe there's something else going on in lxc-templates, but I'm not
seeing anything immediately obvious to explain where debci's
sources.list is coming from.


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