
I attempted to dump the ABIs with a-c-c and the current script around it
but couldn't do so. The compiler complains that there is a type
definition inside sizeof() which is pretty accurate.

This happens through the following:


In order to analyze the package, I had to:
- delete that macro (it doesn't change the library ABI AFAICT),
- skip raft/fixture.h,
- include raft.h first (I don't think that was necessary but it's
  probably cleaner that way anyway).

I published an updated consolidated report this morning. As you can see,
there is an ABI change due to LFS in raft/uv.h


It is possible some API is not supposed to be exposed or does not appear
in a shared library or something else, and it would therefore be safe to
ignore an ABI change that abi-compliance-checker reports. Since I don't
have specific experience with this package, I can't take such decisions
and it is ultimately your call.


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