Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sergei Golovan <>

* Package name    : node-fontsource-inconsolata
  Version         : 5.0.16
  Upstream Contact: Ayuhito <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT, SIL-OFL-1.1
  Programming Lang: CSS
  Description     : Inconsolata font self-hostable for Node.js

The node-fontsource-inconsolata package contains the Inconsolata
font and CSS files suitable for self-hosting with Node.js.

The NPM package with this font is used by the elixir-ex-doc [1]
documentation generator. In fact, elixir-ex-doc sources include
precompiled assets (set of templates, Javascript libraries and
fonts, see [2]), including Inconsolata, but I reckon it's better
to rebuild the assets from their sources.

The Inconsolata NPM package is maintained upstream as a part of
a huge monorepository (with more than 1600 fonts), so I decided
not to package all of them for Debian, but only those which are
to be used by elixir-ex-doc.

The package will be maintained by me personally.


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