On Monday, 4 March 2024 10:43:59 CET Holger Wansing wrote:
> >Regarding the password advice, I ended up concluding that it's pretty
> >unlikely that anything we say at this point will have any effect on
> >people's behaviour, but then I'm probably just an old cynic. Also, I
> >failed when trying to come up with a wording which I was happy with,
> >which is why I ended up discarding the advice entirely.
> >
> >If we want to keep the password advice in then I think what you wrote is
> >(mostly) OK, although I think it implies that one should be choosing a
> >single "password" (although, not a word in any normal sense), which
> >could be argued to steer people away from the perfectly decent xkcd
> >approach of using several dictionary words. Saying "Password or
> >Passphrase" at least once would probably address that.
> Ok, makes it a bit longer, but it could be worth it.

https://wiki.debian.org/Passwords doesn't exist (yet), but it's an easy to 
remember URL and we'd have all the space we need to give proper advise?

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