Control: tag -1 unreproducible

On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 01:44:58AM +0200, Christof Schulze wrote:
> Running vdirsyncer sync causes the above error message about unmatched
> ')'. This renders 0.4.4 - the version in stable - unusable. The root cause is 
> that
> python-click-threading 0.4.4, which vdirsyncer is depending on,
> introduced an incompatibility with python-click.
> More info on the problem can be found in [2] and [3].
> The version in testing (0.18.0-6) is working fine as it depends on a
> python-click-version that does not have the problem. So installing the
> version from testing including its dependencies works.
> Would you please upgrade vdirsyncer in stable to the current version in
> testing to make the program work again for everyone on stable?

I know this was a long time ago, but I've been going through some Python
team bugs to see if I can do anything with them, and came across this;
it interested me because I've been using vdirsyncer since 2017, and that
definitely involved a period when I was using it on bullseye and I don't
think I ever ran across this bug.

I just tried setting up a clean bullseye container, installing
vdirsyncer, copying over my configuration, and running "vdirsyncer
discover contacts && vdirsyncer sync".  Everything worked perfectly.

> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

If we were to update anything here in bullseye, it would make more sense
to just cherry-pick the fix to click-threading; the only thing a new
vdirsyncer would add would be a tighter dependency on click-threading,
but for Debian stable release purposes we might as well just issue the
click-threading update and have people upgrade to it.

However, [2] and [3] both make it clear that the problem with the
combination of click and click-threading was introduced in click 8.0.0
and does not exist with click 7.1.2.  bullseye has click 7.1.2, and
indeed the package versions in your bug show that as well:

> Versions of packages vdirsyncer depends on:
> ii  init-system-helpers        1.60
> ii  python3                    3.9.2-3
> ii  python3-atomicwrites       1.4.0-2
> ii  python3-click              7.1.2-1
> ii  python3-click-log          0.2.1-2
> ii  python3-click-threading    0.4.4-2
> ii  python3-requests           2.25.1+dfsg-2
> ii  python3-requests-toolbelt  0.9.1-1

... so I am quite suspicious that there may be some relevant information
that's not in the bug report.  You didn't include a traceback, which
might have made it clearer; but is it possible that you have a locally
installed version of click >= 8.0.0 from PyPI, perhaps due to running
"pip install" outside a virtual environment?  That would explain this
happening to you.


Colin Watson (he/him)                              []

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