On 3/9/24 2:58 PM, Andrew Chadwick wrote:
I will continue reporting here, since this seems to be a Debian-
specific issue. I don't have much else to add, however. Happy to try
out fixes as they emerge.

Without upstream involvement, this issue will not get resolved.

Upstream doesn't built the Java code of its dependencies, it uses the JARs hosted on Maven.

The metadata-extractor 2.19.0 JAR from Maven uses xmpcore 6.1.11, the Debian package uses xmpcore 6.1.10 because that version has source JARs available unlike 6.1.11.

There are no other significant source changes.

Upstream builds their JARs with Java 8, the Debian package uses Java 17.

You can use the upstream JARs by purging the josm{,-l10n} & jmapviewer packages and installing the josm-installer package. The systemd timer it provides periodically downloads the upstream JAR. The package installs the same desktop integration files as the josm package.

Kind Regards,


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