Hi Osamu,

  Prior to the LXD/Incus hard fork, I did have an ITP to look at
packaging lxd-ui (#1036926). I think the "proper" way to package Incus
UI would be to have it as a new package (incus-ui), which incus
packaging could then Recommend or Suggest.

  I would also be more comfortable with Incus UI it was a proper fork
of Canonical's repository that carried the seven patches from
zabbly/incus. As a packager, we shouldn't be taking one upstream and
totally transforming it into something else via patches since that's
just too much work to carry in our packaging. :)

  My suggestion would be to rework this bug into a RFP and/or merge
with the prior ITP. I don't have any plans to work on this, but someone
else might.


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